Murder at Lake Waco

Gayle Kelley was no fan of policemen, but she was less a fan of Lucky Deeb, her former employer, who had just admitted to killing Kenneth Franks, Jill Montgomery, and Raylene Rice in the wooded area around Lake Waco. Though he brushed it off as a joke, Gayle didn't believe him. She saw the look in his eyes and knew she was looking at a killer.
Sergeant Truman Simons stood silently, staring down at the lifeless body of the young girl.
"I want you to understand… I speak the truth when I say I didn't kill your kids. I have not killed anyone." These were the last words of the alleged murdered before the executioners filled his chamber with toxic chemicals and his heart… stopped beating. We rewind back to a quiet Monday afternoon in 1982.
This episode looks at the trial proceedings of the Lake Waco murder case, which will reveal troublesome details about the night of April 1982.